Many Ways to Worldschool

A parent’s guide to the myriad ways of traveling and learning with kids

1/8/20243 min read

A Journey of Learning

Most parents think of their child’s education and conjure images of school buildings, classrooms, and textbooks. But to some, this picture is far from complete. In growing numbers, some parents are choosing to make the world itself a significant part of their child’s ‘classroom’. This idea is at the heart of ‘worldschooling’ – a lifestyle and educational approach that combines traveling the world with student learning.

Worldschooling can take on many different forms. It is far from a one-size-fits-all model with one ‘right way’ to do it. Rather, it’s a spectrum of various educational structures and travel styles that fit each family’s unique desires and needs. It’s up to a family to decide what they want out of their travels and for their child(ren)’s education. Here are some of the major considerations that can determine which, among the various ‘flavors’ of worldschooling, might fit a family best:

Educational Structure

How much and what type of educational structure is right for your student(s) and for your travel desires? In worldschooling, the amount of educational structure you establish for your kids is one of the most important decisions you will make. There are many ways that worldschooling families keep their kids engaged in academic growth, ranging from ‘unschooling’ (essentially no structure at all), to various online education options, to enrolling students in rigorous full-time traditional schools in the destination countries.

For a deeper dive into educational options while worldschooling, subscribe to our newsletter and keep an eye out for an upcoming blog post!

Travel Duration

How long do you want to travel for? Or, how frequently?

Ready to sell your home, all your possessions, and set off with no expectation of ever returning? Well, you don’t have to be. While there are some families who do choose this extreme, most find ways to travel that strike some balance between being ‘home’ and ‘away’. Many worldschoolers commonly describe themselves as being either ‘part-time’ or ‘full-time’ (though these terms hardly capture the myriad ways families navigate how long and how frequently they’re abroad).

For some families, the worldschooling window is obvious: “my work granted me a six-month sabbatical, and so this is it!” But for others, it’s a much more difficult decision - especially without knowing how the kids might take things.

Want some more ideas for what might be right for your family? We have another blog post coming soon exploring this topic.

Travel Style

Would you rather immerse yourself in each place you visit, or visit more places?

The style of travel while worldschooling greatly influences the experience. The opposing terms ‘fast travel’ and ‘slow travel’ are used to label two distinctly-different ways, each with their advantages and disadvantages.

‘Fast travel’ involves moving from one destination to another more-quickly, perhaps spending only days or weeks. This style can be exciting but it also has its drawbacks, including requiring much-greater logistical planning, offering students less opportunity to establish educational routines, and missing out on the many wonderful things that come with deeper immersion.

For these reasons, many families elect to ‘slow travel’, which involves spending extended time in one location (weeks to months). This style can reward the traveler with a more relaxed experience, and more connection to the people and places they visit. Of course it is the obvious choice for families who will be digital nomading.

Of course, many families choose to mix it up with chapters of both slow and fast travel!

How ‘connected’ do you need to be?

A final crucial consideration is determining the level of internet connectivity you want or expect to have on your trip. This is particularly-relevant to selecting an educational option for your student(s). High quality internet is now more ubiquitous than ever and is generally to be expected at most places that most travelers visit, enabling more families to do digital nomading or choose online schooling options for their kids. Still, some families might prefer the freedom to totally disconnect to do things like visit remote villages, take a multi-day jungle or mountain trek, or go on a liveaboard surf/dive boat trip. The freedom to be away from the internet is an important consideration when choosing an educational option, as this could determine the difference between doing, say, full-time online school with a set schedule versus a part-time online program that allows for such travel flexibility.

Interested in what we think is the best of ‘both worlds’ for balancing internet-connection and travel freedom?

Check out our flexible academic mentorship program.


Ultimately, worldschooling is a dynamic, flexible approach to education that must be tailored to fit the needs and preferences of each traveling family. From the educational structure to the duration and style of travel, worldschooling offers an array of options, each providing a unique set of experiences and learning opportunities. But no matter what you choose, all the ways to worldschool share in helping foster a deeper understanding of the world, its cultures, and its people - preparing children for a life of curiosity, adaptability, and global citizenship.

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